Kicker in Baja - VIAJE A LA REINA
March 01, 2016
There comes a time in every fisherman's life where the waters he's used to fishing just start getting a little old. Not that you ever turn your back on your local spot, but seeing what else is out there is just good for your constitution sometimes. So The boys of the Kicker Fishing Team took a little journey, kissed their wives goodbye, took the days off work, turned off their cell phones, and headed south to Baja, Mexico, or more precisely down the Sea of Cortez . Their own private Valhalla...
This way, that way, and elsewhere. Welcoming signs below California point to previous out-of-towners (aka gringos).
After 10 hours on the road this beautiful stretch of highway hugs the The Sea of Cortez coastline with gorgeous views of 'Islas de Encantadas'.
Cacti, weathered whale vertebrae, and a whole lot of soul call these shores along the estero home.
Capt. Jimmy Decker, Justin Hugron, and Justin Reynolds get situated for the day.
The morning run out the gate left us with the decision; "Go Left or Go Right?".
Capt. Ben Florentino, Randy Spizer, and Justin Hugron ready to jet as Sayer Danforth captures the visuals in the stern.
Matt Florentino double checks a crucial connection and takes a lay of the land.
Cabrilla of gigante proportions bottom out a 15 pound rated Boga-Grip no problemo.
Violent by design, Cabrilla attack a surface iron at full gusto. Every battle is a 0 drag tug-o-war followed by a shit eating grin.
Rugged coastline, 0 humans, and endless fishable water.
Randy Spizer rears back to send his surface iron into the Sea of Cortez boiler fields.
An outgoing tide, and afternoon shade brought some big takes.
Capt. Ben Florentino shows that much like Calico Bass, the Leopard Grouper maul the Señorita colored jig.
In the low light they bite.
Capt. Jimmy Decker at the helm.
This Leopard took a liking to the Bleeding Mac surface iron and Randy Spizer's color coordinated AFTCO shirt.
Capt. Jimmy Decker was species king with a true Sea of Cortez variety pack. Here he adds a Hogfish to his list.
Justin Reynolds throws on a fully flared and flexing Gulf Grouper.
Capt. Ben Florentino is all smiles as another one renders the boga-grip scale useless
¡Mucho Gigante! Matt Florentino stuck this slob that was 1/3 of a triple hookup off a school of bait ball marauding Cabrilla.
¡LA REINA! Justin Hugron strikes gold by capturing "The Queen of the Cortez".